How to make your own bath tea bags

There are some excellent ready-to-use bath tea bags offered by special vendors. But did you know that you can make your own bath bags as well? It's fun and something you can share to educate your children as well.
Follow these simple steps to make your own bath tea bags:
  1. Take a cotton, muslin or cheesecloth bag as big as your hand (measuring 4 or 5 inches on each side). It could be square or rectangular in shape. It does not matter. If it's sturdy enough, you can use this bag as a washcloth as well.
  1. Fill the bag with a mixture of the following: green tea, lavender, rosemary, goldenseal, marigold (calendula), chamomile, dried rose petals, juniper leaves, jasmine flowers, dried milk (for a milk bath), rock salt, red clover, quick-cooking oats, orange or lemon peel, citrus rind, honey powder. As long as you’re not allergic to it, you can try any other herbs or dried flowers you like. 
    1. Sew or use a rubber band or pull in the drawstrings of the bag (if any) to close the mouth of the bag tight.
    1. Float or dangle your bag into the water from the faucet and enjoy! Another way to release the full fragrance of the bag is to hold it under the hot running water when you’re filling up your tub.
    Some people run the oatmeal through the food processor before adding it to the bag in order to get a creamy texture and easier infusion into the bath water.

    You can also try the same ingredients by stuffing them into a large tea ball and then dangling the ball into the bath water.

    Try and experiment with different ingredients to come up with your own unique blends. Turn your bath time an exciting and pleasant occasion to relax with the soothing aromas and ingredients of green tea and herbs.

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